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Thirumana Porutham or Jathaka Porutham is oneof the most important aspects of marriage as per Tamil Astrology. Also known asNakshatra Porutham or 10 Porutham in Tamil Jothidam, this horoscope matching systemconsiders 10 different aspects for conjugal bliss. Now, Just fill the form givenbelow and you can get your Thirumana Porutham report for free:
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Before we get down to describing Porutham deeply, let us compare the differencebetween Kundli Matching and Porutham. There isn't a vast difference between Kundlimatching and Porutham, other than the fact that Kundli Matching is most commonlydone in North India. In this we take into account 8 Points that are collectivelycalled Ashtakoot. In South India, 10 Poruthams or Nakshatra Poruthamare taken into consideration in Porutham. The 10 Porutham or ten points of Poruthamare as follows:
Rasi denotes the Zodiac signs in Tamil Astrology. Rasi Porutham takes into accountthe compatibility level of the Zodiac signs of the individuals in concern. If thesigns are compatible with each other then they can be assured of a long lastingand successful married life. Rasi Palan of a person is made on the basis of thetime and place of birth. The Nakshatra or constellation at the time of his/her birthgives the Zodiac sign that becomes the badge of a person for a lifetime. Zodiacsigns speak a lot about an individual, so the signs that the couples share mustbe cordial with each other. For instance Libra and Virgo are compatible with eachother. This is a simple example. But Rasi Porutham is taken into account very deeplyand there are many conditions that apply to justify the cordiality between the Rasi.If the Rasi of the husband that has its ruling planet as Moon is second when countedfrom the sign of the wife, then one can be assured that this marriage would notlast for a very long time.
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This part of Thirumana Porutham signifies the compatibility between the ruling Lordsof the Rasi of the boy and girl. If Lord of the girl's and boy's Rasi are cordialwith each other then the couple will enjoy a happy life. If the lords share inimicalrelationship then marriage is not advisable. If they share neutral relationshipthen marriage can be considered. For instance, if Mercury is the Lord of the girl/ boy's Rasi then, it will share a cordialrelationship with Sun and Venus. But Mercury shares hostile relationship with Moon and neutral relationship with Rahu, Ketu,Saturn,Marsand Jupiter.Rasyadhipathi Porutham also indicates the offsprings.
Tamil Jothidam says - if there is compatibility in the Vasyam, then there will beharmony between the couple. As per Jathaka Porutham rules, they will share mutualunderstanding and the boy and girl will enjoy pleasurable moments together. If thebride's Rasi is Cancer and the boy's Rasi is Sagittarius or Scorpio then they willmake a beautiful couple. Similarly if the bride's Rasi is Leo and the boy's Rasiis Libra, they will be very loving and affectionate.
Children strengthen the bond between two couples. They rejuvenate love. In NakshatraPorutham, Mahendra Porutham denotes the progeny. It also signifies wealth and prosperityof the children and family. According to Mahendra Porutham, the couple will be blessedwith children and there will be longevity in their relationship.
In Astrology, the sky is divided into 27 Nakshatras or constellations. These Nakshatrasare classified into 3 categories that are:- Raakshasa Ganam, Deva Ganam and ManushaGanam. Gana Porutham basically analyses the physical compatibility between the marriedcouple. If both the boy and girl share the same ganam; for instance if both areDeva Ganam or Manusha Ganam, then it would be most auspicious for them to get married.This koota also assures them a compatible sex life as per 10 Porutham.
As the term Yoni suggests, Yoni Porutham is all about the sexual compatibility betweenwife and husband. All the nakshatras have been assigned an animal. For instance;Aswini has been assigned a horse; Hasta, a buffalo; Chitra, a tiger, etc. Some animalsare compatible with each other whereas some are rivals. Elephants and lions arearch rivals and so are rats and cats. There would be no peace in the house if theboy and girls Nakshatra possess such combination. If there is compatibility thenthe married couple will enjoy a wonderful sex life.
This is also known as Dina Koota. It is very prudent to check Dina Porutham as itsignifies prosperity, joy and health of the family. If Dina Porutham is well ratedthen the family would be liberated from illness, poverty and discomfort. The starsof the boy and girl are consulted. If they share the same stars then the couplewould enjoy a blissful and healthy life. But the 27th star (the last Nakshatra)has to be rejected, no matter what the signs are.
This is also known as Stree Deergath Sarya Sampatha in Tamil Astrology. This Poruthamindicates the couples ability to gather not just material wealth but also overallprosperity of the family. Both husband and wife have to work together for the welfareof the family. In this the stars of the boy are counted from the girls. If the boysstars are more than 15 then an agreement can be made but if it is less than 15 thenit is in disagreement.
The most significant aspect of Rajju Dosha Porutham is that it indicates MaangalyaBakyam. Rajju has five categories to it namely, Sirasu Rajju (the head portion),Kanda Rajju (neck), Udhara Rajju (middle), Ooru Rajju (thigh) and Paada Rajju (feet).When the porutham of the boy and girl is matched then one must keep in mind thatthe constellations or nakshatras of the couple do not fall in the same group. Ifthere is similarity then it will be considered an inappropriate match. If Ooru Rajjuis the same then the family will face immense poverty. If Sirasu Rajju is the same,then it is certain that the man would die. If Kanda Rajju is the same then the girlwould die. Hence, Rajju Dosha is something that people must not neglect or waiveaside.
This Porutham refers to an impediment that the married couple would face if tiedto the knot of marriage. If Vedha Porutham of the couple do not match, then it willlead to divorce between them, thereby breaking the sacred oath that theyd takenat the time of matrimony. This divorce could be caused by several reasons rangingfrom professional, financial and personal clashes.
As we have already mentioned before, marriages in India are very sacred. Marriageis a commitment that people make for a lifetime. Its not just about two individualswho are united but marriage is about the entire family and the future generations.In India, marriage is a bond that couples establish for their seven births. Everyindividual longs for a partner who would come into their life as a blessing. ThirumanaPorutham does not establish that any human is bad, it simply implies that everyhuman being is not fit for everyone. Porutham is a guide that shows us the differencebetween allowing ourselves to plunge into misery and cautiously seek a life thatwill bring eternal joy and ecstasy.